Unrivalled, unprecedented, pure fun; the ‘DOPE MACHINE’ is the first of our collaboration series with long time ‘MAD MINDS’ Advocate George Henderson of ‘A DEAD COFFIN CLUB’. Fundamentally, it is a combination of a classic high wide point fun-board, almost reminiscent of a 70’s single fin spawned with a modern proggy fish or hybrid. The signature diamond tail gives the board a shorter rail line, so the water breaks earlier which creates an early pivot point for a wildly responsive, tighter turning board that also allows for positioning in more critical parts of a wave. The rail volume is reduced slightly, rocker increased and bottom concave charged up for damn a lively ride. True to name, the “DOPE MACHINE” is one TUFF customer. It’s a little known fact that before the invention of transparent, high-impact polycarbonate, the L.A.P.D used DOPE MACHINE’s as riot shields during the ‘big bruise up of ‘88’.
Designed by Chis Chong & Dan Watkins, Misfit Shapes represents an authentic response to an era of change, a ‘surf’ stemmed movement that allows art, designand individuality to co-exist within a realm more commonly dominated by conformity and observation.
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