
Tommy Witt and Corey Colapinto in "Keep a Good Thing Going"
Tommy Witt and Corey Colapinto in "Keep a Good Thing Going"

Watch as the California duo of Tommy Witt and Corey Colapinto trade off riding Donald Takayama surfboards at their local breaks in San Clemente. 

Gerry Lopez Q&A: The Simple Motivation Behind Why Gerry Lopez Shapes Surfboards
Gerry Lopez Q&A: The Simple Motivation Behind Why Gerry Lopez Shapes Surfboards

Learn to SUP Yoga with @itskiristen
Learn to SUP Yoga with @itskiristen

Looking to spice up your paddle with a more complete exercise and a deeper connection to self? Challenge your mind and body with SUP Yoga. To get you started, Surftech team rider @itskiristen graciously created a couple short videos outlining everything you need to know to start posing on the water today. Watch Below: Looking the perfect SUP Yoga [...]

Aipa Surfboards' Ben Aipa and The Birth of the Sting
Aipa Surfboards' Ben Aipa and The Birth of the Sting

Australian surfboard brand M/SF/T is known for their high-performance shapes, edgy art style, and just overall good vibes. Stepping away from the Softworks line of surfboards, M/SF/T and Surftech product development teams have created a new EPS surfboard technology named Primitek.